Josey Wales

Black Lab/Border Collie Mix | male | 9 Months Old | 56 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Walks well on a leash! ✔️ Good running buddy! ✔️ Very smart!


This outlaw is 100% a good boy, and the only crime he's guilty of is stealing the heart of everyone he meets.

Josey Wales is a very energetic dog who wants nothing more than to play all day. He loves fetch, toys, tug-of-war, a good wrestle with other dogs, water, and would be outside 24/7 if he could. While being being high energy, he does like to take long naps by your feet or in a freshly dug hole outside. He would be a fantastic running, hiking, camping, swimming, or all-around-adventure buddy.

He is absolutely great on leash (doesn't pull at all) and wants to hold the leash in his mouth while on walks! He is not good off-leash yet as he doesn't recall well when outside. He doesn't try to run away, but is just caught up exploring his new world. I believe he would be perfect off leash with propery training.

While he is crate trained and good with the crate, he has never been in a crate or been away from humans for longer than ~3 hours. He has been great when left alone (with other dogs) so far. He can be left to roam the house during the day and will usually spend it outside or by your feet (when he's not playing). Being a herding dog, he loves to be your shadow and will follow you wherever you go. Would absolutely love a place where had something to herd and protect.

100% potty trained. A doggy door does give him 24/7 access to outside, but there have never been any accidents nor has he ever marked inside. If there's no doggy door, he would be fine with regular walks.

Josey Wales is the smartest boy you will ever meet. He picks up things very quickly and learns what you expect from him without you even trying to teach him. Some examples of his smarts:
- Figured out how to use the doggy door in ~10 seconds
- Can sit and shake, but will only shake if there is a treat in your hand. He can see through all your tricks of hiding the treat, but you will eventually give in and shake with the treat in your hand.
- Learned that he cannot go into the front (unfenced) yard with the other dogs when they go, and will sit next to the door while waiting for your permission
- Recognizes his harness and will come to you and sit still so you can put it on him
- Loves water and to get wet, but knows to stand still and have his feet wiped dry before he can come inside
- When outside with the harness with a leader, he understands where the end of the rope is and will sit and wait for you before moving on.
- Knows how to get unstuck when the rope is tangled (with some help)

He would benefit greatly from someone who is experienced with smart dogs and is willing to pursue advanced training with him to keep his mind sharp. I honestly believe he could learn to do about anything if he put his mind to it (we are currently working on retrieving beer from the fridge). Because of his smarts, I would not recommend him to a first time owner.

When not playing, Josey is a very quiet guy. However, he does like to bark when he sees people walking dogs or just going down the street. He also likes keep a watch out for anything roaming around outside at night. His bark is LOUD and his growl sounds like a small bear. Once he is in the zone, it can be difficult to redirect him as he is lazer focused on his job, but usually removing access to outside or closing the blinds will help him calm down. He does a very good job protecting you and no one will go by without his notice. Would not recommend for apartments, or houses with lots of foot traffic. Would do best in a home with a fenced in yard or farm that gives him a job to do.

He is very loving, and while he will come up to you to snuggle, he prefers you to come to him. There has never been a dog or human he didn't like immedietly. He is not the best at recognizing boundries with other dogs as he just wants to play, but he is working on it. Has been around a 7 and 1 year old while in his Texas foster home and did great. No mouthing or jumping, just licking. Has no experience with cats. He absolutely loves other dogs, and would do best in a home with some friends for him to play with.

Josey Wales is the smartest, handsomest, goodest outlaw you will ever meet. If you are looking for the best, goodest boy to accompany you on your many adventures, Josey Wales is the boy for you.



