
Labrador Retriever Mix | male | 10 months Old | 55 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs, cats and kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash!

✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!


Jed was officially adopted on April 17, 2021!

Jed sleeps through the night in his crate and waits for us to get him up in the morning around 8am. We go outside for a potty break and some playtime before heading inside for breakfast. Jed LOVES all food and eats way too fast. When we are in a rush, we feed Jed with a slow feeder, but normally we make him work for his meals by asking him to do a variety of commands and tricks like Sit, Down, Stay, Paw, Army Crawl, ect, and Jed is very happy to do a trick for a handful of food. Jed is so bright and motivated and has picked up on new skills really quick. After breakfast, Jed likes to lounge with our other dogs in the dog’s room with toys until around noon where we go outside for an hour of play. Jed loves running around in the backyard and carrying around stuffed toys and tennis balls. Jed then lounges in the afternoon till we go outside around 4pm for more playtime. In the afternoon, his favorite activity is to wrestle around in the backyard with the other dogs. Jed gets dinner around 6pm and then likes to lounge with us on the couch. After one last trip out for the night Jed happily goes in his create for the night and falls asleep very quickly.

Once Jed gets to know a person, he wants all the pets and attention and love. He can be a little wary of strangers and prefers to hang back and observe when new people enter the house. He does warm up and want to get to know the people, especially if his new friends squat or sit down to get on his level and have some treats to give him. He does better meeting new people outside, but still likes to hang back for a bit before approaching new people.

Jed has spent time with a calm 15-year-old child and has done really well. He was a little nervous of a new face at first but as soon as they sat down, he walked right up to her to say hello. He has not had any time with little kids.

He is a medium on the energy scale. Inside the house he is low energy and likes to munch on a soft toy or chew on a chew toy while lounging but is very calm. Outside Jed acts more like the 10-month-old puppy he is and once he's comfortable in his space will zoom around outside and chase after toys and run around and wrestle with other dogs. Jed walks well on a leash, doesn't pull, and is very calm, but his preferred exercise is running around with the other dogs outside.

Jed loves other dogs. He currently in a house with two dogs, one being his brother Gabe and he loves both of them. He loves to play but listens really well to the cues of other dogs to make sure he isn’t playing too rough. Inside he's really calm and shares his toys with all the other dogs really well. He ignores all of the other dogs in the neighborhood that bark and doesn’t bark back at all. Jed doesn’t mind at all when other dogs invade his personal space, and he loves to snuggle with other dogs. Our dog Charlotte is the alpha dog of the house and he listens to her so well and loves spending time with her.

We have two cats and Jed does great with them. He mostly just ignores them, but if the cats approach him he gives them little sniffs. He is not aggressive at all and has never chased them.

When we are in another room, Jed will just lounge by himself and doesn’t get into any trouble. If we are going to leave the house, we crate him so he cannot get into any trouble and he crates really well. Once or twice, he got a little vocal in the crate while we were gone and we found that if we closed the curtains so it was dark that he went right to sleep and didn’t make any more noise. His crate is in a bedroom down the hall from mine and he happily goes in his crate at night and sleeps really well.

Jed is nervous in new environments and around new people. We found he did best when given one room at a time to get comfortable in. Jed can be a little nervous of hallways and stairs of spaces he doesn’t know and his forever home will need to have patience as he gets used to his new space. Once he is comfortable in a space though, he happily uses the stairs and goes down the hallways. If given time and patience, Jed really bonds to his people and is such a sweet and loving dog. He happily sleeps in his crate at night, but before we crate him, we snuggle him on our bed and he just wants to be in between us on the bed and happily goes underneath the covers. He loves snuggles and loves being a lap dog but also happily relaxes on his own. Jed loves being around other dogs and gained a lot of confidence from our other dogs. When he wouldn’t use the stairs at first, we would call our dog and have her go up the stairs and then Jed would happily follow her. Jed would love to be in a family with other dogs to play and bond with especially if those other dogs would show him the ropes of the house.



