
Great Pyrenees Mix | Female | 2 Years Old | 55 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

Holly found her family on 2/19/2023!


Holly is such a lovely and easy dog to be with. She sleeps on the floor in my bedroom on a dog bed. She sleeps until I'm out of bed and even then, waits patiently until I'm ready to take her outside. I let her out on the tether out back for her morning bathroom time. She likes to stay out for a while, watch what's going on outside (I live in a neighborhood out in the country, near a highway so she watches the cars, birds, squirrels, etc.) She has rarely barked at anything. She just likes to watch. She is a self feeder, so I keep food in her bowl and she'll come and go to eat. I typically give her a treat when she comes in from outside. We go for a walk most days around the neighborhood or out on a trail. She loves sniffing and is wonderful on leash. She walks well on a regular 6-foot leash when we're going places, but for our leisure walks, we use the retractable leash and she's wonderful either way. She is great at adapting to the energy in the house. When it's just the two of us, she's a lounger and can snuggle up with me or find her own spot. We do some play sessions with dog toys or treat puzzles. When friends come over with their dogs, she's happy to hop around with them and play. She's so welcoming! I let her out on the tether a few times a day just for variety while I'm working. In the evening, she goes out once more an hour or so before heading to bed and then sleeps through the night - well, dreams a lot with kicky legs and rolls around, but sleeps through.

Holly is calm and happy with everyone she's met while here with me from strangers on our walks, friends and family visiting, the vet office and all the volunteers who helped her get here. What I love about her is how she shows kindness, affection but not in an overbearing way. She'll walk up to someone new, rest her head against their leg for a moment, but not bark or overpower them.

I haven't seen Holly with children firsthand, but she was with children in her last foster home before coming up to Wisconsin and she was again gentle, sweet, loving.

Holly has that gift of adapting to whatever the energy is around her. If it's laid back, she's laid back. If we want to go run around, she'll run around. Holly will make a wonderful pet for almost any home. In my home, it's just the two of us and I wonder if she gets a little bored and at the same time I can tell she feels loved, safe and content. She loves people and other dogs so she could easily thrive in a busier environment as well.

Holly is naturally submissive. She gets along with other dogs as I've witnessed in my house, outside on walks, at the vet and reported from prior fosters as she made her way up to Wisconsin. She loves to play and really enjoys being with other dogs.

I've only seen Holly around a cat once at the vet. They have free roaming cats and Holly was a little fearful of them. Good news is she's not aggressive toward them. In time, she might bond with cats if they're gentle with her.

I've been crating Holly when I'm away for a few hours. She's relaxed in the crate, gets in without resistance (well, with some high value treat motivation) and when I return, she's typically lying there, looking sweet and waits for me to open the door. She can likely graduate to free roaming with ease. I was using the crate because I'm only away a short time and wanted to continue to support the use of a crate if her future family is wanting to use one. Other fosters had her free roaming with not issue.

Holly is content all the time. She is happy being off by herself resting, chewing a bone or outside and is also a mushy love bug. She really enjoys having time outside and would benefit from regular time outside and activity I'm sure. Holly rarely barks. In fact over 14 days, she has barked only two times.



