
Mixed Breed | male | 3 Years Old | 60 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!


Hammy became a tripod in April 2023 when his leg was amputated due to an infection. He hasn't let the fact that he has 3 legs slow him down though. He loves running, going for walks, and playing in the yard. Hammy is a medium-energy dog. He loves to run and play and then is ready to settle down for a nap and snuggle. Since Hammy only has 3 legs, he tires out pretty quickly and does well with a couple of short play times or walks a day!

Hammy sleeps in his crate at night and while we are not at the house. He was really quick to pick up our routine and happily goes in his crate for a treat. He sleeps in his crate every night from 11pm - 8am without complaint. When he wakes up he eats breakfast in his crate and then is ready to go out for a bathroom break and some play. When we are gone for the day Hammy is crated and does well. He will occasionally bark for a minute or two when initially crated if he hasnt gotten all of his wiggles out, but with a reminder to settle down, he will lay down for a nap. He also loves having a frozen kong to work on when settling down. 

Hammy is looking for a forever home where he would be the only dog. Hammy really cares most about his human companions. 

Hammy is happy to meet new humans in and out of the house. He is very polite to new humans but may jump up to say hello to humans he already knows. He loves to give his humans kisses. On a leash, Hammy may sometimes pull but he has been getting better about walking nicely.

Hammy is fully potty-trained and crate trained and goes to the bathroom right away when we go outside.

Hammy is curious about our cats but is very respectful. He doesn't chase them and leaves them alone. When he first got here he gave the kitties a few sniffs but otherwise leaves them alone.

Hammy has not been around kids in his foster home, but has met several small humans while out and about and has always been very polite! He loves being pet by everyone!

Hammy will occasionally alert bark to let us know that someone exciting is walking by the house but he is happily redirected and will stop barking when asked.

Hammy happily eats his food quickly and enjoys all food and treats. Hammy is currently ~60 pounds and this is a good healthy weight for him. Hammy can be a little over-excited to take his treat and will also try to eat your whole hand. We have been working on the command “gentle” to remind him to take the treat slowly.

Hammy will jump up on the counters or table if given the chance and there is something up there that he wants. Hammy should not be trusted with Thanksgiving Turkey security duty.


Lil' Bit

