
Labradoodle Mix | Female | 5 Years Old | 63 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Could live in an apartment! ✔️ Would love a doggie sibling! ❌ Needs slow intros to humans! ❌ Working on crate training!

Frankie found her family on 9/22/2022!



Frankie has been doing absolutely amazing in her foster home. She has met many new people over the last couple of weeks and has been a total trooper. Shes not a dog that will meet all new humans at the door super excited, but she likes to hang back and watch but then will come up for pets after she’s gotten to watch from afar for a bit, especially when other dogs are getting pets or when treats are involved. She does very excitedly greet us at the door when we come home though. Now that she’s been in our home for several weeks, she has totally settled in. Frankie loves pets, snuggles, and being nearby her humans at all times. She also LOVES food and chewing on things that may or may not be dog-approved. Frankie is motivated to steal stuff off the counter and table if not watched, but she responds well to a quick no. I would recommend puppy-proofing any decor at or below Frankie level as she does like to investigate and find new things to chew on. Frankie wasn't sure how she felt about dog beds when she first got to our house, but now that she has seen the other dogs using them, she thinks they are the greatest thing ever and would love it if you had lots of dog beds for her to use.

When we are away Frankie is crated. She is a bit of an escape artist, and a normal wire crate is not sturdy enough to keep her contained. She currently is in a Gunner kennel and is doing great but should do well in a less expensive option as well. She is amazing when she gets to be crated next to her dog friends, but she may fuss for a little bit while she settles down if she is not near her friends, but she has been going to bed super well now that we have had time to work on crate training and have her in a secure crate.

Frankie met my 7-month-old cousin last week and was super respectful and amazing. She likes to give sniffs and will happily vacuum any food that gets dropped, but otherwise was unphased by the tiny human. When Frankie first got here, she was very unsure of getting in and out of the car but she loves going for car rides now and zooms right into the backseat. She is super great in the car and just lays down, never trying to hop into the front seat. She has shared the backseat with 2 other dogs as well and thinks it’s the best thing ever to be able to be so close to her friends. Frankie is still a little shy of people grabbing her collar but has learned that a leash being put on means going for a walk which she loves.

I have been majorly impressed with Frankie's dog communication skills. She has met a variety of dogs from Grumpy and Old, to Young and never-ending energy and she has done great with all of them. She is super respectful of the dogs that aren't interested in playing with her, she loves playing and wrestling with other medium-energy dogs. She eventually gets tired of high-energy dogs but is so great at walking away or giving subtle cues that she's no longer interested in play.

Frankie has also been doing great with potty training - she just needs a consistent schedule. She has never had an accident in her crate but was occasionally having accidents while out in the house if we didn't get her out frequently enough. About every 2-3 hours while we are home, we take her out now and she no longer has accidents in the house - She can also go all night without needing to go out whether she is in her crate or sleeping on a dog bed in our room.

Frankie’s Favorite Things:

A Kong stuffed with wet dog food or peanut butter and treats

Getting pets on the bed or couch with her humans

Being as close as possible to her other dog siblings

Stealing human food when we aren’t watching

Giving lots of kisses - but mainly only to her humans and not everyone

My Favorite Things about Frankie:

She is incredibly loving and loyal to her humans

She does great with new people in the house and calmly says hello - though she may ask if they are willing to share their food with her

She has done amazing with all the dogs she has met

She is around cats all day and totally unphased - but she does like it when they want to snuggle with her


Every morning Frankie will sleep in her crate until we wake up (around 8am) and then she gets breakfast. When she notices we are awake she stands up and starts to wiggle out of excitement. Frankie is not a picky eater and likes everything we have given her. After breakfast, Frankie goes outside for a bathroom break. Her bathroom schedule works out best if she eats first and then goes outside in the morning. Then Frankie happily will go back to sleeping in her crate or sleeping on the floor while I work from home. About noon we go out for a play break and Frankie loves running around the yard with the other dogs. In the afternoon Frankie gets the zoomies and loves to run around the house and wrestle with the other dogs. She is learning that playtime outside is good, but prefers to play inside at the moment. She eats dinner between 6 and 7pm and then settles down and mostly sleeps on the floor or plays with toys until bedtime at 11pm. Frankie gets a kong with some treats and peanut butter in her crate at night and she loves this routine and now runs in the crate for the kong.

Frankie is nervous of new people. It took her a couple of days to warm up to us and now she willingly comes up for pets and snuggles and treats. When other new people come in the house she goes to hide but will slowly want to come out to check out who’s there. She is never mean or aggressive, just scared and doesn't know if she can trust new people yet. Out on walks Frankie basically ignores people. When in social gatherings with other people Frankie does try to duck out of the way to hide and we have to make sure her collar or harness is fitted well so that she doesn't escape.

Frankie has no exposure to children with us.

Frankie is mostly low energy throughout the day but does get zoomies and needs some exercise but two - 20 minute play sessions a day keep her tired right now. We have seen her energy increase as she has been here so she might need a little more exercise as she establishes a routine in her forever home.

Frankie does great with other dogs and is overall pretty submissive. She is eager to play with and please other calm dogs. She has met some hyper puppies and has done well in those situations as well, but normally prefers to just watch if they are new and have too much energy. She prefers to play inside but is learning that outside play with other dogs is fun too. She likes to wrestle and play chase as well as chase toys.

For the first week, Frankie totally ignored our 2 cats that are very dog social. After settling in she became curious about the cats and will sniff and sometimes try to engage them in play, but she has never chased or been aggressive with the cats. She will always come to us when called while she is checking out the cats.

For the first couple of days we were able to leave Frankie in her crate but I don't think she was ever properly crate trained. After she settled in she tried to escape the crate and we were worried about her hurting herself so we have gone back to the basics with crate training. For now we leave Frankie in a dog proof room alone and she has done well - if she can reach anything on the counter or on shelves though that she shouldn't have - she will get into it. She prefers to be in the room with one of our resident dogs though and is much calmer when another dog is around. I would not leave Frankie alone out in the house at the moment.

Frankie was found as a stray with 3 puppies and was a great mom. Now that her puppies have found homes, she needs a home of her own. Frankie is a shy dog who is not used to being around people who love her and she is still learning how to "dog". She would do best in a home with a second, confident dog willing to share their space and show her the ropes. Frankie prefers the presence of our other dogs over people but is starting to open up and show us how much of a goofy loving dog she is. Having other dogs around has helped her come out of her shell. Every morning after she gets out of her crate she jumps up on the bed wiggling to say hello and give kisses. She just needs time to learn that humans are kind.



