
dachshund Mix | Female | 9 year Old | 14 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs and kids! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!

❌ No apartments! ❌ Separation anxiety!


Adopted on August 28, 2021!


Ellie has been with us for almost 2 months and has now fully recovered from her hernia repair. New people who meet her have no idea that she is nearly 10 years old because she has barely any gray hair and carries along great! We are still working on building her confidence, as she's a generally anxious dog (life is big and scary for such a small pup like her!). She has always been especially anxious in the car - she whines and gets worked up each time the car stops but once you hit highway speeds, she settles down. However, we recently found out that she can get very car sick on bumpy rides. We are also continuing to work on her obedience, not begging/hanging out where human food is being prepared and setting boundaries for getting attention to help with her separation anxiety. She continues to be a great snuggler in the evenings after work and is overall such a sweetheart!


Ellie sleeps in her crate until her humans get up around 7 or 8 am, then she goes for a 15-30 minute walk and eats breakfast. She hangs out in her crate while the humans are gone (6-8 hours), then goes for another 15-30 minute walk and eats dinner. In the evenings, Ellie takes quite a few naps on the couch or her bed (loves to snuggle up next to you), with occasional playing (with toys or our resident dog). She goes out for a quick nighttime potty break and then to bed around 10 pm.

Ellie loves everyone she meets. She does occasionally bark at people walking by our house, but while we're on walks she will stop and wait for attention from people we pass by.

She has briefly met children between the ages of 2-10 outside of the foster home and has done well with them. She is mainly indifferent but is calm and allows them to pet her (even if they're a little rough).

Ellie is low energy. She goes for two 15-30 minute walks a day and does very well on leash.

Ellie hasn't been physically reactive towards other dogs. She is occasionally leash reactive while on walks - if they start barking at her, she may bark back but she calms down quickly and can often be proactively prevented from reacting. When she meets a new dog (even one that she barked at), the interaction is quickly positive and then becomes playful or indifferent.

She spent limited time with one cat at the sitter's house and was playful (but she did let the cat know she wasn't interested when it became overly playful towards her). More recently she had mixed results with a different sitters cat.

Ellie has only been left alone in a crate while I've fostered her - she barks and whines for a bit after leaving, then settles down with occasional whining throughout the day. Ellie’s adopter will need to continue working on her separation anxiety.  She struggles more if left alone while you're in sight (for example, outside mowing).

Ellie had a hernia repair at the end of July and is recovering well. She is a surprisingly playful dog for her age! Ellie will need a dental in the next 6-12 months due to tartar accumulation.



