
Poodle | male | 2 Years Old | 50 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Can free roam when humans are gone! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!

Duncan went home for the holidays on 12/10/2022!


He gets up when I wake up between 7-8 am. . We let him out first thing, then feed him then take him for a short walk. We are home with him most of the day, though have left him for 3-4 hours at a time.  He will go in his kennel willingly, but we have also started leaving him out with no issues. He goes for another walk after dinner and then settles in for the night and seems ready for bed by 8-9:00.  He willingly sleeps in his kennel at night also, but has also slept on our bedroom floor with no problems.

Duncan loves to be around people and he does usually follow me around the house and likes to be wherever I am.   He loves to snuggle and will come up on the couch or bed to do that, but only if invited. So far, new people have not been an issue for him- as long as you're willing to give him a few pets, he's good with you. 

He has been great with our kids who are 12 and 15. He has not been around any younger children. The only issue I can see is he might inadvertently knock over a young child because he does seem to be a bit clumsy.  We joke that he's a little dog in a big dog's body. 

Duncan is best described as a medium energy level dog. He loves to get out and run. He also is OK if he just gets a couple walks during the day. He does pull (hard) on a regular leash, but he has been doing great since we changed him to a gentle leader.  I'm able to walk both him and our little dog together. 

Duncan is great with every dog he's met so far- whether it's on leash, the next door neghbor's dog or our resident dog... no problems. Occasionally, he plays with our dog, a small yorkiepoo and he is very gentle with him. 

Duncan has had no exposure to cats.

We started off kenneling him when he first arrived and he was just fine in the kennel. After a week or so, we started leaving him out for short times and he's done just fine.  The longest he's been home alone is 3-4 hours. I don't know how long he might go without a potty break as we take him out every 4 hours or so (except at night).

He's a big sweet guy, very loving, and loves to snuggle!  He is super smart and has already learned sit, shake, lie down, and waits for his food after it's put down. I consider him very "trainable", very motivated by treats which is a big bonus! I feel he would do great with another dog/s and would probably prefer it as he seems very social.  For that reason, he would probably do better in an environment where he's not left alone all day.  The notes from his previous foster home gave him high marks as well! Oh - and he LOVES riding in the car!



