
Hound Mix | 7 Months Old | FemALe | 44 LBs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with cats! ✔️ Good with kids! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!


Didi is the sweetest pup and will make her future home a place of endless snuggles! She loves playing with her toys, running and sniffing both in the house and in the backyard, and snuggling up close to her humans. Didi is a great work-from-home buddy and loves to cozy up to her human during the day without needing much attention - as long as she gets some activity outside of work hours. Currently, when all of her humans are away during the day, Didi stays in her crate (and does howl for a short time before settling in and sleeping). We think she could also free roam once she adjusts to her new home.

Didi LOVES playing with the other dogs in her foster home. She watched them from the sidelines for a couple of days, then jumped in to wrestle and run and chase. In her foster home, Didi and the other dogs play really hard and then take long naps. Her foster siblings have been really helpful in increasing Didi’s sense of confidence, so we think she would do best with another dog friend in her life. Sometimes Didi lets out a little growl when she sees a new dog, but don’t let that fool you - the growl usually means “I’m excited to meet you but also a little nervous!” Before you know it, she’ll ask her new dog friend to run and play with her!

Didi is pretty cat-savvy. In her foster home out of state (before she came to Wisconsin), there was a playful kitten who liked to wrestle Didi just like dogs wrestle! In Wisconsin, she’s met a handful of cats, and she shows interest but will keep her distance and allow them to approach. If the cats decide they want to get close enough to Didi, she will gently give them kisses!

In new environments (new people, places, and dogs), Didi can be shy, but when she’s surrounded with calm energy, she feels safe to let both her playful and her sweet sides show. Didi’s nervousness entails being very shaky, running and hiding, and flattening herself to the floor. Didi gets nervous about getting into the car and is pretty shaky in the car, but she is not destructive. Most of these behaviors go away once she becomes comfortable, and whatever remains has potential for improvement with more training and other confidence-building, as well as keeping up her crate training so she can continue to use it as her safe spot.

Didi has met kids ages 5-12 and loved her time with all of them! She snuggles up to them and even gives them kisses - and she especially loves kids who have treats to give her! Didi finds loud noises and sudden movements scary, so she seemed happiest around kids who acted calm. If her forever family has kids, she would be happiest in a low- to medium- energy environment with kids knowledgeable on how to interact with dogs or with a patient parent who can coach their kids and supervise interactions.



