
Australian Cattle Dog Mix | Female | 4 years Old | 64 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Deaf dog! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Can free roam when alone! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Enjoys learning new tricks!

✔️ Could live in an apartment! ❌ Needs to be an only dog! ❌ Needs slow intros to new people!


June 1st marks Daphne’s adoption day!


Daphne's been hard at work learning new tricks using hand signals! So far, she's mastered "sit", "down", "come", and "stay". She's well on her way to learning "crate" as well. Training Daphne is so much fun because you get to think up new hand signals, and it's like having your own little secret language!

Daphne's also been doing super well on walks and hikes. She's passed by other dogs and just stares politely, but doesn't try to pull or bark at all. Two quick tugs on her leash, and she's happy to keep walking with you. We've also had some polite kids come up and ask to pet Daphne, which she's done very well with as long as the kids respect boundaries and know how to approach a shy dog. Daphne's done a great job of settling in and at the end of the day, she just wants someone to snuggle and throw her treats to catch (which we're still working on!)


Daphne can be stubborn with training tricks sometimes, but she's also pretty smart! She now knows sit, down, stay, and will also go into her crate if you're offering the right treat! Her favorite is still chasing tennis balls when she's in the right mood, but she's also learning to play with a flirt toy. She loves chasing it around the floor, and it's easy to give her a little workout if you don't feel like moving too much. But if you're up for some activity, Daphne will be right there alongside you! A couple weekends ago, we hiked a 2.5 mile loop and she loved all the new smells.


With the nice weather recently, Daphne's been loving all the extra walks that she's been getting! She is still a cuddle bug at heart though, and you can always find her snoozing or snuggling up to her humans after a long day. Daphne was recently at a sitter's and seemed to get a little pushy with another dog, so she might do best as an only dog in her future home. She's been doing a lot better with meeting strangers on walks though and will only stop, sit, and stare politely for a little bit before continuing on our walk. She's also become a lot more comfortable in her crate, especially since she now checks it often for surprise treats!


Daphne hiked her first trail this past weekend and loved all the new interesting smells! She's doing a lot better with meeting strangers outside of the home and doesn't bark or growl when approached indirectly. We're still working on meeting strangers inside of the house as she gets a little defensive, but Daphne just needs some patience and guidance to get comfortable.


We've discovered that Daphne has a love for tennis balls! She's a pretty particular lady though, as she only likes the classic neon yellow ones. It's a great way to tire her out, especially because it's been so cold outside! Daphne also spent this past weekend with a sitter, who mentioned that Daphne seemed very interested in playing with her dog. She does seem to play a little rough though, so would probably do best with a dog that's around her size or doesn't mind a little play fight.


Daphne is a very special deaf dog!  She usually wakes up with us in the morning since she sleeps in the bedroom, then we go for a quick walk to stretch our legs. She settles down for breakfast, then usually just hangs out at her favorite spot on the couch while we work or lays on the floor in the office. Most of the time, she doesn't need another walk until the late afternoon, and after work, she loves to snuggle on the couch!

Daphne is a little wary of strangers, so will often bark at people when we're outside on walks. We've been working on this, and she usually will turn and follow you when you give her a quick tug on the harness. She's also not a big fan of meeting new people inside the home, but if they approach her slowly without looking at her and with a good food bribe, she'll usually settle down a little bit. It does stress her out, so it's definitely an area where she could use a little work.  She does not have exposure to children.

She is low to medium energy.  Daphne is usually happy just snoozing on the couch or hanging out quietly with her people, but she also does seem to enjoy running while on the leash. She does pull a little bit on the leash when she gets excited or sniffs something interesting.

Daphne hasn't really interacted with other dogs inside a home, but she does take notice when she sees other dogs on her walks. She doesn't seem reactive and usually just stares at other dogs from across the street.  She can be redirected easily if you give her a quick tug on her harness on walks.  Daphne does not have exposure to cats.

She is absolutely a dream when left alone! Daphne doesn't seem to like being in her kennel, so we've just let her free roam when we're out of the house. When we come home, we usually just see her taking a nap on the couch.

The vet noted some tartar accumulation so a dental might be necessary in the next 1-2 years.

Daphne is deaf, so she will probably take a while to settle in because she's a little nervous. Once she does and feels comfortable though, she is incredibly affectionate and shows her love through snuggles and face licks.



