
cur/terrier Mix | male | 10 months Old | 70 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with cats and other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Housebroken! ✔️ Good in car! ✔️ Could live in an apartment!

✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ❌ No young kids!


Crusoe has his own family as of August 26, 2021!


Crusoe got to go camping! He did great sleeping in a tent. He got to go swimming, too. He wasn't a big fan, but he was willing to get in the water and paddle around for a while. He did enjoy digging in the sand on the beach! He was a trooper the whole weekend and really showed what a laid back, flexible personality he has. He seems to be happy to do whatever allows him to be with his human(s).

The more we get out and meet people, though, his young age is more apparent. He is a young pup in a big dog body! He absolutely LOVES to meet new people. The problem is, he gets over excited. Think, the exact opposite of stranger danger. He tries to jump on new people, no matter age or size, and play with them. For little ones, this is scary. He doesn't seem to have an aggressive bone in his body. He just wants to love everyone.

He is also still learning to play with humans. He continues to be pretty awkward right now, and he is a bit mouthy. He isn't biting, persey, as it isn't mean, hard, or aggressive. But, not everyone wants a dog that plays like that. He usually keeps himself occupied with a bone or toy.

As the person living with Crusoe, and interacting with him every day, about 99% of the time, he doesn't do any of these unwanted, excited behaviors towards me and is such an angel. He's a pup that the adopter will absolutely have to be willing to give him time to settle into his new home; and offer him training during that time. He is such a sweet and handsome boy, I know that family is out there! If there are kids, I would recommend ages 8-10ish and up.


Crusoe is still just the sweetest pup!! He is starting to come out of his shell more. When he first came, he didn't know how to play with humans. Now, he's starting to get it. He's not so awkward with other dogs, and responds well to the other dog's body language. He is starting to show more and more of his "puppiness" and chews on shoes, blankets, or pillows if not watched closely. But, he redirects easily when given a toy.

I have now seen him around kids. He is just as happy to meet them as adults. He got the 'zoomies' around my 4yr old nephew and accidentally knocked him over. So, he would be best in a home with older/bigger kids.

Crusoe just loves to be with his human. Even though he is showing his young age a bit more with behaviors; he is still super low key and so content to snuggle up on the couch with you!! He's an expert snuggler!!


Crusoe usually gets up around 6:30 am. He eats breakfast while foster mom gets ready for work. Then, we go on a walk; usually about 15 minutes. Crusoe stays in his crate when mom is at work. He gets a 30 minute walk at lunch time. In the evening, he eats dinner and then snuggles on the couch. He plays with some toys independently, but usually only a few minutes. He goes to bed between 9-10pm and sleeps through the night (usually in his crate but loves to snuggle in bed when mom allows it!) On days mom doesn’t work, Crusoe follows her around or sleeps most of the day!

Crusoe LOVES people! He thinks everyone exists to give him pets; inside and outside the house. I’ve not seen him around kids. In regards to cats, he just wants to sniff them and is gentle with them.

Crusoe is pretty low energy. He’s quite lazy for such a young pup! He does good with just the 30 min lunchtime walk, and then shorter walks for doing potties. Otherwise, he prefers to be on the couch sleeping. He gets up every couple hours for about 10 minutes of play or chewing a bone, then back to sleep! He likes his stuffed toys and bones, but doesn’t really know how to play with a person. So, he keeps himself busy.

Crusoe has not lived with another dog; however, he is friendly with other dogs in public and wants to play.

If you need to leave him alone, he should be crated because he sometimes picks non-toys to chew. I think as he gets a little older, with less of that puppy mentality, he could be left to free roam without problems.

Crusoe is such a sweet boy! People in public are always surprised by his age because his is so well behaved and calm.




Little Moosie