
Golden doodle | male | 2 Years Old | 43 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Expert cuddler! ✔️ Good with kids! ❌ Needs to be an only dog! ❌ No apartments!


Abe is a fun-loving, love-loving dog who wants to cuddle and play fetch 24/7. He is the sweetest boy who wants to be by your side all day long and loves to hold your hand any chance he gets. If you are looking for a goofball full of personality, Abe is the dog for you.

Most days, Abe gets to spend the whole day at the feet of his work at home dad and play fetch with a rope toy or kong several times throughout the day. As he is currently in an apartment, he gets three medium walks and two other quick potty runs a day and loves going on walks and smelling all the smells. Abe loves exploring new things and checking out anything he doesn't understand (pickle ball and lawn fountains fascinate him). He will try to say hi to every person who walks by and loves getting pets from new friends. He gets overexcited sometimes when walking past dogs.

We would say that Abe is a medium to high energy dog who is perfectly content lounging around for most of the day, but he really seems best given exercise throughout the day. He would love an exercise buddy and would love a home with a yard to play fetch in.

Abe doesn't have a lot of experience with crates but, in his limited experience, he seems perfectly happy going in as long as he gets his kong and some peanut butter. Abe is perfectly happy doing almost anything for a treat, really. He sleeps in the crate at night, but in his first home, we were told he was great sleeping free in his owners room. He is also good in the crate while he's home alone, though we haven't left him for more than 5 hours at a time. He's pretty good in car rides, though he can get anxious sometimes and prefers being in the backseat behind you instead of in the truck of an SUV.

Abe is an anxious dog who doesn't mix well with living in an apartment situation and would be best suited living in a house. He feels safest if he can check out sounds and make sure all is good, and in an apartment, there are too many sounds of doors closing and people walking above him that he can't figure out. Cars and sirens aren't a problem at all, but people talking outside his front door that he can't see are a bit too much for him to handle. He also can struggle with other dogs and should be the only dog in the house. His anxiety goes way down the more exercise and play he gets!

Abe is a people loving dog who becomes best friends with anyone almost immediately. He loves to be told good dog and loves performing his tricks and being rewarded. He is excellent at learning new things and is incredibly smart.

He would absolutely love to be the only dog in a home with people to love and who will throw his rope toy and that doesn't have a stomping neighbor above them or scary hallways with sudden appearances of dogs to walk through to get outside. Because without those scary things, you won't find a happier, cuddlier dog ready to follow you to the end of the world and back, especially if you have a treat for him at the end!



